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How to fix JComments CAPTCHA image not showing

1 1 1 1 1 How to fix JComments CAPTCHA image not showing5.00Rating 4.98 (249 Votes)

If JComments CAPTCHA picture is not showing on your site, you may try the following fix. The error was noticed with Jcomments 2.3.0 and Joomal 2.5.8, Godaddy webhosting. 

  1. Open file /administrator/components/com_jcomments/admin.jcomments.php
  2. Find line:

$lists["captcha"] = JCommentsHTML::selectList($captcha, 'cfgcaptchaengine', 'class="inputbox"' . $disabledCAPTCHA, 'value', 'text', $config->get('captcha_engine'));

and replace with:

$lists["captcha"] = JCommentsHTML::selectList($captcha, 'cfgcaptchaengine', 'class="inputbox"' . $disabledCAPTCHA, 'value', 'text', $config->get('captcha_engine', 'kcaptcha'));

  1. Save changes in file
  2. Open JComments settings and re-save current settings


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+6 # vietnamsvisa 2013-04-23 11:55
I have also some problem with captcha of Jcomments when i used component sh404sef. However i have been fixed error and i want to share to everyone. If you are using sh404sef you should follow:

components-> com_sh404sef->s ef_ext-> now you should write one file with name: com_jcomments.p hp. Then you write: switch ($view) {
case 'comments':
$title[] = 'comments';
case '':
switch ($task) {
case 'captcha':
$title[] = 'captcha';
case '':

I have used firebug and i know it is wrong with path. So you should noted with:
switch ($task) {
case 'captcha':
$title[] = 'captcha';
case '':

It is helpful to everyone.

+1 # Bill 2013-09-11 20:34
I wanted to thank you for this article. I've been banging my head against a wall non-stop trying to figure this out. I've posted on the Jcomment support forum and the admin gives no replies (Weeks...)

Anyway, thanks again...

0 # sumit 2013-10-16 10:06
capcha did not remove and when i enter comment "please enter security code error come" what should i do for remove captcha comleately
0 # Super User 2013-10-17 00:31
Hi! You can enable or disable CAPTCHA per user group in the Permissions tab of JComments component.
-1 # Grzegorz 2013-10-31 21:15
:lol: Solved Thank you.
I had this line of php
$lists["captcha "] = JCommentsHTML:: selectList($cap tcha, 'cfg_captcha_en gine', 'class="inputbo x"' . $disabledCAPTCH A, 'value', 'text', $config->get('c aptcha_engine', 'kcaptcha'));

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