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Google+ Has 400 Million Members

1 1 1 1 1 Google+ Has 400 Million Members5.00Rating 5.00 (790 Votes)

Google‘s social network Google+has more than 400 million members, Google’s Senior Vice President of Engineering Vic Gundotra has announced.

Gundotra posted the news on his Google+ profile today, adding that Google+ also has 100 million monthly active users — if you count in the mobile app.

“This week we also hit an important milestone–over 400,000,000 people have upgraded to Google+. It was only a year ago that we opened public sign-up, and we couldn’t have imagined that so many people would join in just 12 months,” wrote Gundotra.

For comparison, Google+’s biggest competitor, Facebook, had 955 million active users in July.

Of course, the methodology of counting active users (as opposed to the total number of users who’ve signed up for the service) between the two companies may differ, but judging by these numbers, Facebook is approximately 10 times bigger than Google+.

That may sound like a big advantage for Facebook, but one also has to take into account that it took Facebook several years to reach 100 million active users, while Google+ managed to do that within 12 months.


Marketing: How to Outreach to Diverse Communities

1 1 1 1 1 Marketing: How to Outreach to Diverse Communities5.00Rating 5.00 (356 Votes)

There are five simple steps to developing and expanding your outreach activities. These steps are similar to those involved in most
marketing plans.

  1. Establishing goals.
  2. Identifying and understanding target audiences.
  3. Developing specific strategies for achieving goals.
  4. Defining objectives.
  5. Evaluating success and soliciting feedback.

Read more: Marketing: How to Outreach to Diverse Communities

Why Marketing to Diverse Communities Matters

1 1 1 1 1 Why Marketing to Diverse Communities Matters5.00Rating 5.00 (861 Votes)

Marketing and Community Relations are the processes that an organization uses to connect with its various constituents such as clients,volunteers, donors, community partners, and peers.

• The American Marketing Association defines marketing as “creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and managing
customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”
• Community relations are your interactions with the community in which your organization operates. Community relations emphasize
fostering trust through interactions.

Read more: Why Marketing to Diverse Communities Matters

Community-marketing: to apply or to refuse?

1 1 1 1 1 Community-marketing: to apply or to refuse?5.00Rating 5.00 (486 Votes)

In today's note I want to mention of one more marketing tool which can both to do much harm, and to help the companies with strengthening of the competitive position. It will be a question about application of community-marketing or «marketing to communities».

First of all, we will deal with the concept of community. In a case with a product or service (namely about this will er blog), the community is a group of the active users united by the general interest to the given product. Concept "interest" is wide enough are councils about product use, area of its application, discussion about improvement of fuctions, discussion of products-competitors, resolution of problems with use of a product and other.

The key moment for formation of high-grade community is possibility of communications between its participants, knowingly the word community is conformable to a word "communicate".

In a century of information technology presence of community around your product is capable to introduce essential value in a marketing complex. Let's consider these pluses:

Read more: Community-marketing: to apply or to refuse?

Community Marketing

1 1 1 1 1 Community Marketing 5.00Rating 5.00 (697 Votes)

If you are trying to leverage communities as part of your marketing, there are a few things you need to approach differently.

1. Think consumer tribes – not market segments

The most important thing to know about your potential community members is how they behave with one another. That is much more important than to understand the market segment to which they belong based on market characteristics. That does not mean that traditional market segmentation will not allow you to discover tribes in some cases. As someone pointed out last week when we presented this concept at the BRITE conference, traditional market segmentation might have uncovered the stay-at-home moms as a segment in the health market. While true, traditional market segmentation would have described them by age bracket, income level and other such characteristics – and not by the behavioral characteristics that are so critical to understand how to structure the initial community.

Read more: Community Marketing

Friday the 14th.