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How to fix PHP upload file inherit permissions error using Windows IIS Server

1 1 1 1 1 How to fix PHP upload file inherit permissions error using Windows IIS Server5.00Rating 4.99 (913 Votes)

If you’re like me, and you use Windows IIS, you’ve spent hours trying to figure out why your uploaded file won’t inherit the permissions needed to display correctly. Luckily, the answer is extremely easy and something most people would have never thought of.

The problem only happens when you use PHP to upload a file. When you upload a file, PHP sends the file to a temporary directory on the hard drive (for me it is C:\Windows\Temp) and then copies it over to it’s intended directory. Once the file has landed in the temporary directory, it is assigned the permissions of that directory. The problem is when Windows copies that file, it keeps the temporary directory’s permissions and doesn’t inherit your web directory’s permissions.

Read more: How to fix PHP upload file inherit permissions error using Windows IIS Server

Fixing Magento error "[unknown object].fireEvent()"

1 1 1 1 1 Fixing Magento error "[unknown object].fireEvent()"5.00Rating 5.00 (475 Votes)

Recently I've encountered the following Javascript error in my Magento store:

error: error in [unknown object].fireEvent():
event name: address_country_changed
error message: zipElement.up(...).down(...) is undefined

This error pops out when creating the order from admin panel and entering customer shipping address. It pops out when editing every filed in the address, which is quite annoying.

Regarding to this forum post, this has something to do with defining the zip code as not required filed in the database. Specialists recommend to set zip code as required filed in the database and then setting it as not required on the country basis. But people report that setting so will still not make zip code as optional field.

So I decided to do my own fix. Here it is:

Read more: Fixing Magento error "[unknown object].fireEvent()"

Premius Free Simple Shipping Magento Extension

1 1 1 1 1 Premius Free Simple Shipping Magento Extension5.00Rating 5.00 (355 Votes)

We are glad to annouce our free Magento Simple Shipping Extension. This extension allows you to add up to 10 fixed price shipping methods to your Magento shopping cart. Easy to use and self-explanatory.
Link to extension:

Direct download link: Premius_Simpleshipping-1.2.1.tgz

To install, use Magento Connect Manager or directly unpack the ‘app’ and ‘skin’ folders to the root of your Magento installation. After installation, a cache cleanup and Admin re-login may be required.


Read more: Premius Free Simple Shipping Magento Extension

What’s new in PHP 5.4? A huge list of major changes!

1 1 1 1 1 What’s new in PHP 5.4? A huge list of major changes!5.00

The PHP 5.4 is now available.

As you probably know, the updates that were intended for postponed PHP 6 were added to PHP 5.4.0 instead, so now PHP includes a huge set of new language features and removes several legacy behaviors.

Because of that I created a list of major changes since PHP 5.3 ,along with some examples and brief descriptions of these changes…

Major PHP improvements

Changes since PHP 5.3 version include:

Read more: What’s new in PHP 5.4? A huge list of major changes!

Monday the 31st.