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How to Install APK to Android Device via ADB in 6 simple steps

1 1 1 1 1 How to Install APK to Android Device via ADB in 6 simple steps5.00Rating 5.00 (915 Votes)

1. Download and install android platform tools:

2. Open command line and navigate to the folder where ADB is located, eg. cd /D d:\Android\sdk\platform-tools\

3. Type adb devices and press ENTER.

4. If your device is connected successfully, you should see your device ID in the list of attached devices.

5. Copy the desired APK to the folder where ADB is located. eg. d:\Android\sdk\platform-tools\

6. Then type in “adb install APPNAME.apk”. Upon successful installation, you should see “Success” message inside the tool.


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Friday the 28th.